If you require information of any kind our helpful reception staff are there to assist you on any queries you may have on your day out at Woodlands.
Please see the subcategories for more specific information.
You can contact our team on 01803 712598 or email fun@woodlandspark.com
We hope that you have an enjoyable visit.
Baby Changing
Baby changing facilities are provided within the Park. Please see the Park Guide for their locations. Bottle and food heating is available in the Empire of the Sea Dragon.
First Aid
If the injured person can walk comfortably please report to the First Aid Building or Reception where a trained First Aider will take care of the patient. If unable to walk please contact a Ranger or Team Leader.
Lockers can be found in the Empire of the Sea Dragon, Circus Drome and Loves Grove Cafe. These are fully secure with a key and are charged at 20p per use. No loose articles (sunglasses, hats, cameras, bags, etc.) are permitted on rides and slides, you may not leave them at the loading area or waiting area of the attraction. Shoes must be removed in certain areas, please consult safety notices. You are advised to remove Spectacles whilst in the ball pools and on slides.
Lost Children
If you have lost sight of your child inform your nearest Ranger. They are trained to help locate missing children and will be able to alert other Rangers around the park. Do not panic, we will always locate your child. If you are unable to locate a Ranger report to the Reception, who will send out a radio call for your child to Rangers.
If you come across a missing child please bring them to reception where our trained staff will alert our Park Rangers and look after the child.
A red phone box is located near the entrance kiosk.
Re-entering the Park
If you would like to return to your car on the day just make sure your hand is stamped at the admission kiosk on your way out. When re-entering the park show your stamp to the entrance gate Ranger.
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